
In movimento per ecologie, vivere insieme, economia sostenibile, bioregionalismo, esperienza del se' (personal development).

giovedì 25 ottobre 2018

USA. Donne vere contro la guerra

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2018 3:57 AM
Subject: CN VIDEO - Woman's March on the Headquarters for War: The Full Video Report


CN VIDEO -Woman’s March
on the Headquarters for War:
The Full Video Report

Consortium News videographer Netra Halperin has produced a full video report of Sunday’s Women’s March on America’s center for planning and executing war.


CN VIDEO - Jill Stein Talks to Consortium News: ‘We Are Being Robbed Blind by the War Profiteers’

During the Women’s March on the Pentagon, Jill Stein, the Green Party’s 2016 candidate for president, told Consortium News Video that war is robbing us blind.



Women March on the Pentagon

Fed up with ongoing wars depleting innocent lives and the U.S. Treasury, more than a thousand women marched on the Pentagon on Sunday to declare their opposition to the continuing slaughter.

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