martedì 18 marzo 2014

End Ecocide, notiziario marzo 2014 e petizioni

A message from the European Citizen's Initiative to End Ecocide

Dear friends!

Our End Ecocide campaign goes on. We improved our website in order to allow everyone (and we mean everyone on this planet, not only EU citizens) to sign BOTH petitions at once for which we are currently pushing for:

Our petition to ask for the recognition of the Ecocide crime through a European directive.
The Charter of Brussels petition asking for the creation of a European and an International Criminal Court of the Environment and Health

Here is the link for both petitions, to share it with your friends:

Ecocides happening RIGHT NOW:

Several ecocides are happening right now. The Fukushima disaster celebrates its 3 years anniversary. The situation is far from being resolved and is getting worse and worse every day. Still nobody has been judged for the tragedy.

Uranium mining projects are going to impact the Great Canadian North and Inuit lifestyle.

In Greece, gold mining projects are planned in the North and threaten to pollute the region with harmful chemical products like lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury. 

In Peru, the construction of several new mega dams on several lakes has been announced recently, one of them is planned on the Marañon, an affluent of the Amazon.

In Cameroun, huge industrial oil palm plantations threaten populations, by the construction of big dams and by the pollution caused by aluminium mines.

In Ethiopia, the biggest dam of Africa is emerging from the soil and will lead to reduce the Nile flow, opening the way to strong geopolitics tensions.

In Congo, another huge dam is under construction.

Finally Europe is about to renew the authorisation for GMO corn MON180 culture.

Please check our website: for a list of additional cases and follow our news on our International Facebook page (We also have country specific facebook pages linked from there).

The need to discipline multinational companies is urgent in order to stop unrestrained exploitation of natural resources and destruction of ecosystems in the name of profit and materialistic development.

Trade treaties

What one needs to understand is that the same multinational companies that destroy our ecosystems are currently looking to lift all legal restrictions for their activities. The European commission and the United States of America are currently working on a free trade agreement called TAFTA / TTIP (Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement).

This project, negotiated with and for multinationals, is a great threat for our social, ecological and democratic rights because it would give big private financial groups extravagant rights to exploit people and nature.

A mechanism called "Investors/State" planned in the negotiation would allow transnational companies to press charges against a state or a regional government if they submitted a law or a regulation, which will hinder their business and investment.

In France, several regional governments (Ile de France and PACA region, Besançon and Niort cities) which have understood the threats are declaring themselves « OUT TAFTA » and all over Europe resistance is growing. To learn more about this topic, please check this page:

Our strategy

Facing these manoeuvres, us, citizens, need to propose an ambitious international law reform and fight FOR a law against crimes against nature to prevent any such treaties to become reality now and in the future.

Already certain progresses have been carried by European Members of Parliament who support us as Sandrine Bélier. The European parliament has definitely validated a regulation in order to ratify and implement Nagoya’s protocol. This text aims to assure an equitable share of the advantages coming from genetic resources’ use. It constitutes the main European tool to combat bio piracy. It will allow European Union to be involved in the next conference of the Parties (MOP1) of the convention on Biological Biodiversity in October 2014.

To go further, we decided to work with big Environmental and Human Rights NGOs in order to propose to the UN the creation of an international criminal court for Environment and Health. To succeed, we need courage and we need your support!

A Facebook event has been created to spread the information about the creation of an international criminal court for environment and health and to collect a maximum of signatures:

We can do it! You have a vital role in this process! Share our two petitions, our website and invite everyone you know to join us and tell them to do the same!

We want your help! Join our volunteer team! Email

Let’s End Ecocide together!! Every hand helps!

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